Development of a selective thermal joining of textile fabrics with moldings by means of microwave technology

  • contact:

    Dr. Sergey Soldatov

  • funding:


  • Partner:

    Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, IHM

    Meiser Nopma

  • startdate:


  • enddate:


The R & D project involves the development of a technological process for permanent and nondestructive joining of different textile or leather-like fabrics with a hard material using innovative microwave technology.
The innovative idea of the proposed solution is to use the potential of microwaves to directly connect top and bottom material of a workpiece with unsolvable adhesives. Therefore a primarily and selective heating of the adhesive and potentially the upper and lower surfaces of the workpieces is intended by exposure to a uniformly distributed microwave radiation. Based on appropriate preliminary investigation this can be achieved by an appropriate choice of the materials to be bonded.