9th ITG International Vacuum Electronics Workshop (IVEW) 2024

Organized by:

ITG-Fachausschuss MN6 „Vacuum Electronics and Displays“


August 28 - 30, 2024

Location:        Physikzentrum Bad Honnef (PBH), Bad Honnef, Germany, www.pbh.de


Topics of the Conference are new developments and applications of vacuum
electronic devices as well as materials, technologies and manufacturing techniques such as:

- Vacuum Electronic and Discharge Devices and their Applications
- Technologies and Production Processes in Vacuum Electronics

Call for Papers pdf
Sample Paper Abstract: doc
Registration: online-Registration
Program: pdf

8th ITG International Vacuum Electronics Workshop (IVEW) 2022

Organized by:

ITG-Fachausschuss MN6 „Vacuum Electronics and Displays“


September 1 -3, 2022

Location:        Physikzentrum Bad Honnef (PBH), Bad Honnef, Germany, www.pbh.de


Topics of the Conference are new developments and applications of vacuum
electronic devices as well as materials, technologies and manufacturing techniques such as:

- Vacuum Electronic and Discharge Devices and their Applications
- Technologies and Production Processes in Vacuum Electronics

Program doc
Abstracts Abstracts

Oral Session 1

Oral Session 2

Oral Session 3

Oral Session 4

Oral Session 5

Oral Session 6

Oral Session 7

Poster Session

Call for Papers: pdf

7th ITG International Vacuum Electronics Workshop (IVEW) 2020 and 13th International Vacuum Electron Sources Conference (IVeSC) 2020


Organized by:

ITG-Chapter MN6 „Vacuum Electronics and Displays“
       and the
European Steering Committee of IVeSC

Sponsered by: Thales AVS France and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Scientific Committee:


IVeSC 2020 International Steering Committee:



May 26 – 29, 2020
Location:        Physikzentrum Bad Honnef (PBH), Bad Honnef, Germany, www.pbh.de


Topics of the Conference are new developments and applications of vacuum
electronic devices as well as materials, technologies and manufacturing techniques such as:

- Electron Emission Phenomena and Modelling
- Vacuum Electronic and Discharge Devices and their Applications
- Technologies and Production Processes in Vacuum Electronics

Program of Virtual IVEW & IVeSC 2020: pdf
Access to the Virtual Conference: Please contact the Chairmen of IVEW & IVeSC to get the access data
Abstracts of Virtual IVEW & IVeSC 2020 Abstracts
Book of Abstracts of Virtual IVEW & IVeSC 2020 pdf
Proceedings of Virtual IVEW & IVeSC 2020

Oral Session 1

Oral Session 2

Oral Session 3

Oral Session 4

Oral Session 5

Oral Session 6

Oral Session 7

Oral Session 8

Oral Session 9

Oral Session 10

Oral Session 11

Poster Session 1

Poster Session 2

Online Registration Form: https://online-registration.vde.com/vdev20/emc00/register.aspx?OrgCode=10&EvtID=9894&AppCode=REG&CC=119121864464
Call for Papers: pdf
Sample Paper Abstract: doc

Due to the Coronavirus crisis and the related travel restrictions, our IVEW and IVeSC Committees have jointly decided to maintain the Workshop/Conference in the form of a Virtual Event via the Internet. As consequence, no physical meeting will be held in the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef.  

The dates of May 26 to May 29, 2020 are maintained.

The Virtual Meeting is free for the participants.

Those who have already paid their conference and accommodation fee will be fully repaid. Mrs. Hatice Altintas (VDE Conference Services) will contact them directly to organize the repayment.

Instructions for the access to the “Virtual Conference Room” will be communicated later on the present Website.

Sessions will be opened in the Virtual Conference room and speakers will have the possibility to give their oral presentation on line during their planned Session. Alternatively, they can choose to send a prepared video to the Conference Chairs. 

Thank you for your efforts and understanding in this difficult situation for all of us, during this phase of conference preparation.

All the presentations (lecture slide show, poster or video) will be gathered prior to the Virtual Conference and assembled on the present Website. The presentations, whatever the form, should be submitted before May 19, 2020 to the Conference Chairs.

6th ITG International Vacuum Electronics Workshop 2018

Termin: 06.09.2018 - 07.09.2018


Physikzentrum Bad Honnef (PBH), Bad Honnef (DE)


Program of the Workshop

Topics of the Conference are new developments and applications of vacuum electronic devices as well as materials, technologies and manufacturing techniques such as:

- Vacuum Electronic and Discharge Devices and their Applications

- Technologies and Production Processes in Vacuum Electronics



Session 1.1 Session 1.2 Session 1.3 Session 1.4

Session 2.1 Session 2.2 Session 2.3


Anmeldung: online-registration


Call for Papers
  Sample Paper Abstract

5th ITG International Vacuum Electronics Workshop 2016

Termin: 08.09.2016 - 09.09.2016


Physikzentrum Bad Honnef (PBH), Bad Honnef (DE)


Program of the workshop

Topics of the Conference are new developments and applications of vacuum electronic devices as well as materials, technologies and manufacturing techniques such as:
- Vacuum Electronic and Discharge Devices and their Applications
- Technologies and Production Processes in Vacuum Electronics





Session 1.1 Session 1.2 Session 1.3 Session 1.4

Session 2.1 Session 2.2 Session 2.3




Siehe Registration


ITG Informationstechnische Gesells. im VDE
ITG-Fachausschuss 8.6 "Vacuum Electronics and Displays"



Deadline for Submission of Abstracts
May 13, 2016

Notification of Acceptance
June 17, 2016

Deadline for Registration and Payment
July 29, 2016

Submission of Presentations in .pdf format
for the Electronic Proceedings on CD-ROM
September 8, 2016


Call for Papers